Jun 10
We made this film for the Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) about the...
We are delighted that our film on the great rock promoters will be broadcast in the UK on SKY...
We made a series of inspirational films about amazing activists around the world who use the work...
We approach each project with the narrative rigor of storytellers, the curiosity of journalists, and the strategic view of marketers.
We combine a deep background in marketing and advertising with decades of experience in filmmaking, to bring fresh, insightful and captivating story-telling to communications challenges.
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We create works from start to finish including research, concept & script, producing, directing, editing, music, and graphics and final file delivery.
We’ve interviewed CEOs, Governors, Mayors, Pulitzer Prize winners, College Presidents, Nobel Laureates, MacArthur geniuses and Academy Award winners. We work with a wide array of the best available film talent; top documentary camera and sound people, motion graphics designers, and music composers. We have experience shooting throughout the world and are constantly exploring new talent, techniques and technologies.
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